Assalamualaikum to my readers and visitors,
Admin not very in well today after watching video in Gaza,
well, as we Know, Gaza in war, we can't do much, except pray and pray and pray,
Admin, cry a Lot, because of that, the baby, new born Israel kill it, they are INSANE ,
because they have kid and baby too, they should know, kill the kids very hurt,
they still young, and don't know anything,
Do'a untuk GAZA, Palestine.
اللَّهُمَّ انصُرِ الإِسلام والمْسُلِمِينَ
اللَّهُمَّ انصُرِ المْسُلِمينَ فِي كُلِّ مَكَانٍ
(اللَّهُمَّ انصُرِ المْسُلِمينَ فِي فَلَسطِين (3كالي
اللَّهُمَّ دَمَّر الكفَارَ واليَهُـودَ والنَّصَارَى والمْشُرِكِينَ
اللَّهُمَّ يَا اللّـه يَا اللّـه يَا اللّـه إِهزِمهُم وَانصُرناَ عَلَيهِم
Wahai Tuhan kami,
Berilah kemenangan kepada Islam dan Muslimin,
Ya Tuhan kami,
Berilah kemenangan kepada Muslimin di semua tempat,
Ya Tuhan kami,
Berilah kemenangan kepada orang Islam di Palestin (3x),
Ya Tuhan kami,
Hancurkanlah Kuffar, Yahudi, Nasrani dan Musyrikin,
Ya Allah,
Ya Allah,
Ya Allah,
Ya Tuhan kami,
Kalahkan mereka, Dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka
My heart so hurt, we almost reach to the ends of the world, and i'm very sad because can't pray for them in a week, because Admin Having period,
Maybe thats All, PRAY FOR GAZA
Sekian ~
Admin not very in well today after watching video in Gaza,
well, as we Know, Gaza in war, we can't do much, except pray and pray and pray,
Admin, cry a Lot, because of that, the baby, new born Israel kill it, they are INSANE ,
because they have kid and baby too, they should know, kill the kids very hurt,
they still young, and don't know anything,
this prayer for Palestine,