Raya 18

How are you lovely readers?
I hope everyone would be fine. Because i knew some of you might still in Raya mood. Just like me ;)
Well, tewas di raya keenam disebabkan halhal yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. And that time everyone messed up. Di uji saat yang lagi bergembira. But we as a family take it as compliment and take it as a lesson for us. Well whatever happen, I do believe happen for reason.
Back to Raya stories, I dont manage to go and reunite with all of my cousin due to unexpected reason. And its make me sad tho. Because Raya is the only time for me to catch up with my own family. In other words 'Family Bonding time'
I've scrolled through all the social media; fb, ig, ws stories, twitter. Everyone looking so georgeous with their raya outfit handsome prettt and stunning. You guys slay during raya. While me, hanya mampu tengok and like because I don't have and confident to upload my ootd with kebaya.
Well, this year raya were totally different from the last year raya. Where, all my family members I mean my sister going back to my hometown, we even go to Tawau for raya celebration but nope this year. Maybe because I do not really enjoy my Ramadhan this year. Because I fall sick, I don't have stable emotion due to final around the corner and some stupid shitty things popup from nowhere and happen without I am asking to happen, busy with study, endless homesickness, far from my mother and my kitchen. It is sucks me. Really sucks me for the whole 27 days ramadhan. But still, I am blessed. I am happy celebrating my raya with family.
I achieved my Ramadhan wishlist. And it blessed me.
And today, if I am not mistaken we are on 17 Syawal. So dont forget to Puasa 6, and manfaatkan Aidilfitri kali ini.
And I hope its never too late to wish all my readers 'Happy eidulfitri maaf zahir dan batin. Forgive and forget if I have any wrongdoings in verbally or non verbal. May the eidulfitry bring more happiness to us'
Terima kasih Ramadhan, benarbenar mengajar aku perkara yang baru dalam hidup. :)
With love,
How are you lovely readers?
I hope everyone would be fine. Because i knew some of you might still in Raya mood. Just like me ;)
Well, tewas di raya keenam disebabkan halhal yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. And that time everyone messed up. Di uji saat yang lagi bergembira. But we as a family take it as compliment and take it as a lesson for us. Well whatever happen, I do believe happen for reason.
Back to Raya stories, I dont manage to go and reunite with all of my cousin due to unexpected reason. And its make me sad tho. Because Raya is the only time for me to catch up with my own family. In other words 'Family Bonding time'
I've scrolled through all the social media; fb, ig, ws stories, twitter. Everyone looking so georgeous with their raya outfit handsome prettt and stunning. You guys slay during raya. While me, hanya mampu tengok and like because I don't have and confident to upload my ootd with kebaya.
Well, this year raya were totally different from the last year raya. Where, all my family members I mean my sister going back to my hometown, we even go to Tawau for raya celebration but nope this year. Maybe because I do not really enjoy my Ramadhan this year. Because I fall sick, I don't have stable emotion due to final around the corner and some stupid shitty things popup from nowhere and happen without I am asking to happen, busy with study, endless homesickness, far from my mother and my kitchen. It is sucks me. Really sucks me for the whole 27 days ramadhan. But still, I am blessed. I am happy celebrating my raya with family.
I achieved my Ramadhan wishlist. And it blessed me.
And today, if I am not mistaken we are on 17 Syawal. So dont forget to Puasa 6, and manfaatkan Aidilfitri kali ini.
And I hope its never too late to wish all my readers 'Happy eidulfitri maaf zahir dan batin. Forgive and forget if I have any wrongdoings in verbally or non verbal. May the eidulfitry bring more happiness to us'
Terima kasih Ramadhan, benarbenar mengajar aku perkara yang baru dalam hidup. :)
With love,