Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Mulakan entry kali ini dengan Lafaz kalimah Agung, semoga yang membaca terus sihat, dan jika sakit menemukan kesembuhan yang Hakiki. Allahumma Ameen 💕 Entry kali ini tidak berat sangat, hanya bertajuk SOCMED: Social Media. (incase you don't know socmed stand for what) There's come a question across my mind in early morning like this, 'How would you understands one's Life when you only go through their socmed' Well, for sure 100% nobody wants to share their real life in their socmed. I am sure and guarantee bout that. The real life Vs Socmed 2 different world. Well, it is really possible for you to share your own 'Main'problem through socmed fight me. Unless you are going to share those happiness bout your life that others don't have. You said you know everything and understand more about people. But Im tellin you, you only go through their socmed and claim you knew everything, the truth is you know nothing about...